Demand for Tool-Based Skills in Data Journalism

A few weeks ago, I visualized a sample of job announcements from the NICAR-L mailing list. After sending my post to the list, several subscribers contacted me to offer help and encouragement.

One of these subscribers sent me a link to a public list of job announcements that he had been maintaining since 2007. He suggested that I take a look at the specific skills employers were seeking, and noted that analyzing specific programming languages was a pretty low-hanging fruit.

Tools by Number of Mentions (2)

Because the list went back so many years, many of the links had expired, so I had to rely solely on the brief description included in each announcement. Many of the job announcements didn’t mention specific tools or languages, but of those that did, 21 mentioned Javascript, 19 mentioned HTML, 17 mentioned R, 15 mentioned CSS, 13 mentioned SQL, 11 mentioned Python, 10 mentioned Excel, 2 mentioned SAS, and 1 mentioned MATLAB.*

*Note: I decided to search for these languages and tools after reading this article. I also added Javascript, HTML, and CSS because a brief scan of the list told me that these skills were in demand.

There’s probably a lot more I could do with this data. Are there any questions you would like me to answer in a future post? Does anything here make you curious? You can let me know by commenting below or emailing me at

Also, I used BeautifulSoup for the web-scraping portion of this project, and I made the bar graph with Canva. I intend to write a brief summary of my experience soon.


Making Maps with Datawrapper

I recently used a visualization tool called Datawrapper for a minor project I was working on, and I thought it might be worthwhile to share my experience.


Specifically, I was looking at a small sample of job openings from the NICAR-L mailing list. I wanted to understand and visualize where these jobs were located, so I selected the Create a Map option, which took me to the following page:


Datawrapper allows users to create maps for several different countries, and to divide these maps along different types of geographical and administrative divisions within a country

While many of the job announcements in my sample were concentrated in a few predictable urban centers, I felt that a Choropleth-Map of U.S. states would do the best job of representing the locations of job openings on a national scale.


Importing the data couldn’t have been easier. In this case, I just tallied the number of jobs in each state and hand-typed the values. The user also has the option of importing a CSV.

NICAR-L jobs

I mentioned this in passing in my previous post, but the image above is what my original map looked like. Ultimately, I decided to use lighter shades of green in order to convey how small my dataset was and how tentative my findings were. (See this article. Also, this one is only tangentially related, but it influenced my thinking on this topic.)


I can imagine any number of cases in which it would be useful to be able to change the amount of contrast between colors in a visualization. Luckily, Datawrapper has a pretty intuitive color palette feature.


Once a map is complete, the user can share it or embed it in a website. Datawrapper also offers an upgrade that allows users to download their maps in pdf form.

Have you used Datawrapper? Have I missed any important features? Is there a competing tool that you prefer? If so, why? If you have anything useful to add, please feel free to comment below or email me at

NICAR-L Job Announcements Data

NICAR-L is a mailing list focused on computer-assisted journalism. Members often alert the list to job openings that might be of interest to other subscribers. Since I subscribed, 79 job openings have been announced. I recorded them in a spreadsheet, along with the relevant hiring institutions, job descriptions, and geographic locations.

nicarjobs2At first, I used a different version of the map showing the states in which job opportunities were located. The states that had job openings were represented in somewhat bolder colors than those seen here, but having omitted the jobless states, I felt that a more subdued color scheme would do a better job of conveying that some of the states that had job openings had only one or two. More generally, I think the use of lighter colors underscores the small size of the dataset I used to generate this visualization.

I would also note that a small plurality of job openings (16 positions) were based in Washington, D.C. Those positions aren’t included in this visualization because, due to its small size, D.C. wasn’t visible on a national map. (Or at least it wasn’t visible on this one, which I generated with Datawrapper.)

Obviously, job openings outside of the continental U.S. aren’t featured here, but there were a few, mostly in Germany and Canada.


With respect to organizing jobs by “Type of Role,” I think I should explain my approach. I tried to make my categories few in number and relatively comprehensive, rather than numerous and hyper-specific. Naturally, some jobs could have probably been placed in more than one category. For example, many jobs that deal with designing visualizations and developing interactive applications sit at the intersection of content creation and web development. In cases like this, I used my best judgement based on the job description without sticking to any hard rules, reasoning that a foolish consistency might skew the results in a way that the odd misclassification wouldn’t.

download (1)

Some job announcements mentioned multiple positions, and each position was included separately. Consequently, different types of institutions are represented here according to the number of times an institution in a certain category announced a position, not the absolute number of institutions in that category. In practice, this shouldn’t change the breakdown very much, but it does present a clearer picture of where jobs are actually available.

Roles within Media OutletsNews Organizations

A large majority of jobs announcements promoted positions at media outlets and news organizations. This is no surprise given the list’s subject matter and readership. Media outlets also boast of hiring, or attempting to hire, a more diverse range of data professionals than any other type of institution represented in this (very small) sample.

One could argue that this diversity is due simply to the media’s predominance among NICAR-L job announcements, and there’s probably some truth in this, but in some ways media outlets really do seem to differ from other types of institutions in their recruiting goals.

Universities were the second largest institutional recruiters. Predictably, the positions they were trying to fill were almost invariably academic roles. Then again, academics often vary considerably in their areas of interest and expertise, so it’s possible that the same couple of academic titles which appear in listing after listing undersell the diversity of the talent pool universities wish to reach.

Still, media outlets, being in the business of creating content and presenting it to a popular audience, seem to have much more specialized needs, and this is reflected in the types of professionals they seek to hire.